15 May 2009

Oh- we thought of something we want sent.....

if anyone has time to do some internet research for us and print out what you find that would be splendid. you can send it via air mail to the address listed in a previous post. and it goes without saying jolly ranchers are always needed!!!!!

Topics of Interest:

1. with all of the chickens running around we really want our own chickens. I try to get info but with limited language skills, i can only understand so much of what is said. so if anyone can research the following topic it would help greatly- how to raise and take care of chickens so that they produce eggs.

2. any info about the millennium development villages. i would love to visit one and hopefully get the funding to travel to one as part of training- so i need all the information you can get.

all is well. glad it is the weekend. getting my haircut from a fellow PCT ( peace corps trainee) tomorrow. we will see how short it is- i am giving him creative freedom....

have a good weekend.



  1. I spoke to a coordinator for a millenium project a Columbia University who in turn set me up with a contact in Accra who I met with. He gave me a disc with information pertaining to a project they were preparing to do in Northern Ghana West of Tamale towards Cote d'ivoire. I could send you the information I have on it. It is sort of a template for different projects that they were doing around Africa. They encompassed many different aspects of village life for the 21st century

  2. yes. that is exactly what I am looking for. I woud love the disc and after this week I will have a ton of time to spend on the computer. No address yet but as soon as we do I will post it on the blog. Thanks- Sofia. Is this Sofia from NY?

  3. Its jonah. Ill send the disc . just let me know the address. hope you are well.
